Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Computer for Every Child

The "Computer for Every Child" project of Macedonia is one of the largest thin client and desktop Linux deployments that were ever started. The first 7000 computers with Ubuntu pre-installed were shipped in September. Half of the elementary and secondary Macedonia students go to classes in the morning and the other half attend school in the afternoon, so 180,000 workstation will be more than enough for the entire public school population. Now students in Macedonia uses Ubuntu Operating Systems.

Ubuntu (an African word meaning 'Humanity to others') is the ultimate operating system developed by an entire open source community. Ubuntu is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It includes all the software you will need, from web browser, e-mail client and word processing to games, programming tools and web server software. Ubuntu OS can be used at home, in a business environment, in public schools, hospitals, etc. The best of all is that Ubuntu is and will always be free of charge. You can also download free Ubuntu Here.


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