Saturday, November 10, 2007

World's No.1 Super Computer

Supercomputers play vital roles in government and industry, helping researchers predict the weather and design more-efficient and safer cars.At Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, supercomputers have been used for managing and monitoring the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons.

BlueGene has yet to be officially included in the list of the top 500 supercomputer sites in the world maintained by the University of Tennessee, University of Mannheim and National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Now IBM has their World's No.1 super computer and now in India TATA builts asia's no.1 Super Computer in the name of EKA (the Sanskrit name for number one) according to the Top 500 Supercomputer list announced at SC07, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis at Reno, Nevada, USA.

EKA uses nearly 1,800 computing nodes and has a peak performance of 170 teraflops (tflops or trillion floating point operations per second) and a sustained performance of 120 teraflops based on the LINPACK benchmarks which are used by the world-wide community to rank supercomputers based on performance.


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